
Quality, Consistency, Trust

We set standards for fish agents to grade and sort fish at source

It’s standards buyers can trust, such that they will be comfortable buying remotely without inspecting fish. Moreover, it means buyers do not need a fish expert on hand with deep experience to trade effectively; they just need to know what grade and specifications they need. Everyone benefits from trustworthy, consistent standards.

Grading Fish is an Art, but we make it ABC

We break it down into a few key parameters that, together, are an accurate reflection of quality, and at the same time is simple and efficient grading system to use. Dive into Port65 standards:

  • Pupils:

    A = Clear and black, shiny like metal

    B = Dark grey

    C = Matte, dull grey


    A = Convex

    B = Flat

    C = Concave

  • Colour & Shine:

    A = Shiny, like pearls

    B = Less shiny, but clear

    C = Yellowish or discoloured, especially near the abdomen

  • Smell:

    A = Fresh, like seaweed, neutral

    B = No distinct smell

    C = Spoilage odour


    A = Firm, bounces back when pressed

    B = Slightly soft, finger mark disappears slowly

    C = Soft, finger marks stay


    A = Intact and firm

    B = Removable from fin region

    C = Loose or easy to pull out; missing

  • Firmness:

    A = Firm

    B = Soft

    C = Collapsed, sunken

  • Colour:

    A = Dark or bright red

    B = Red with some brown edges

    C = Brown


    A = Fresh, like seaweed, neutral

    B = No distinct smell; stale

    C = Spoilage odour